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Bob Turner Wins the PMA President’s Vision Award

The PMA President’s Awards Ceremony was held on November 15th and our very own Bob Turner was the recipient of this year’s Vision Award. This award recognizes an extraordinary individual who possesses insight, imagination and the ability to transform concepts into accomplishments. Nominees and recipients for this award represent an eclectic group who share a common talent – the ability and persistence to put action to ideas. They never give up, they never give in, and they never let anyone convince them that something can’t be accomplished. Our honoree this evening embodies those traits

Bob has been a fixture on the PMA Board for the past decade, sharing his passion for the industry and for the Association through thought and action.

Bob is a driving force behind PMA’s Career Path Task Committee, helping to establish relationships with Thomas Edison High School of Technology to encourage Edison graduates to pursue careers in property management. This year, Bob helped direct and present to students property management career opportunities and helped to arrange a property management job fair at the school.

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